Wednesday, March 4, 2015



Causality principle and time travelerability

According to Dr Wang, this strange result does not threaten Einstein's theories - in particular, the causality principle, which states that a cause must precede its effect. Or so almost all physicists think - for now. Privately, some admit that experiments such as Dr Wang's may force a reassessment of some cherished ideas. According to Dr Guenter Nimtz, of the University of Cologne, who has carried out similar experiments, the NEC work is very exciting. He told BBC News Online: "The effect cannot be used to go back in time, only to reduce the time between cause and effect a little bit. "The reason for this," he said, "is because the light pulse has a finite length of time, much longer than any gain obtained by a faster-than-light speed.

Scientists have seen a pulse of light emerge from a cloud of gas before it even entered. This astonishing and baffling observation was made by researchers from the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, US. They conducted an experiment that involved lasers, a chamber containing cold caesium atoms and a super-fast stopwatch. The end result was a beam of light that moved at 300 times the theoretical limit for the speed of light. It was Einstein who said nothing physical could break this barrier because, among other things, to do so would also mean travelling back in time.

The work of Dr. Lijun Wang at the NEC research institute in Princeton seems to have given us a glimpse of multi-dimensional reality. When Wang recently transmitted a pulse of light towards a chamber filled with specially treated cesium gas, and recorded its travel through the chamber at an accelerated speed of up to 300 times the speed of light, he proved the possibility of time travel.

Before the pulse fully entered the chamber, Wang reported that it appeared at the same instant at a point 60 feet across the laboratory. In effect, it existed in two places at the same time. Thus Wang not only proved that objects can move at speeds exceeding the earlier prescribed limit of 186,000 miles per second, but he proved Einstein's theory that time slows when objects travel at a speed approaching (and exceeding) the speed of light. The implications of this are mind-boggling. Wang's work hints that time travel is quite possible.

The universe we know of today illustrates how space might well be made of a gas from which an objects speed may be a deterrent. IN any case this gaseous space is not a part of the bubble we as human beings reside out of in an open expanding projectile surface the bubble proceeds.

Time travel relative to the Dr. Lijun Wang experiment seems to illustrate how objects might be boosted if a reverse directional gravity warp drive was implemented on a ship's engine acceleration drivers. Acting instantaneous since known space as a vacuum results in no physical inertia forces the vacuum creating a chamber containing cold caesium atoms could be implemented using concentrated casium gas enough that it forms a chamber in the vacuum that then proceeds the gravity reverse warp drive acceleration engage. But what Dr. Wang didn't tell us is how he was able to photograph such an event in a laboratory at such extreme velocity if time travel at light speed was not the result. To say time travel might be possible and to be able to photograph it seems to me to show time travel is not possible. I'm sure trying to not stay within the Einstein barriers is not acceptable is not exactly easy.

Since time is part of the universe, it began at the Big Bang, so there simply is no 'before the Big Bang'. There was a 'previous universe' that underwent a 'Big Crunch'. This view is seen in some theories of quantum gravity like quantum loop gravity, where the singularity predicted from view is smoothed out by quantum effects.

The universe itself resides in a multi-dimensional realm of 'strings' or 'branes' that can collide and produce 'big bangs'. This is the view promoted by string or M-theories. In theory we observe the results of an expanding universe from which we don;t know how or where the pressure is engaged yet the universe expands. We don't reside in the bubble but reside outside of it around its outer surface. We observe the results of the universe expanding and matter separating at maximum velocity because we are at its upper edge so we observe the affect of the expansion. Like the bubble we cannot actually see a leak somewhere like a black hole keeps pushing pressure in it so it expands. multi-dimension theory only tells us what we already know and that if the heart of a human body is bleeding we don't observe the result or the blood inside the body from the outside. As a famous physicist once said: "The Big Bang theory says nothing about what banged, how it banged, why it banged, or even if it banged at all."But what he was really saying is we are only a part of it. If it falls we will too.

Some believe god was there first in a empty universe - yet god is the deity of life, a world empty of god is truely a universe empty. As long as the universe expands we stand to observe the results of a big crunch, expanding forever, a big bang, freeze lost of heat masses or see it rip but in all the cases we should realize that what ever it is it came from somewhere to far away.

In quanta Physics we want to look at gravity as a repulsive force. Indifferent from relativity and Isaac newton's gravity is due to attraction. The idea that things that act during free fall are attracted to another object. We explain this with are sun and its nine orbiting planets. Observation of this as an attraction force the earth acts in free fall with the sun. Its falling towards it. This can be observed in a few different ways. One that the earth is falling towards the sun. Two the earth is being attracted to the sun due to the suns greater energy and three that its the earths physical weight that due to the universe's tilt the earth falls towards the sun because of its weight and attraction. But we want to look at gravity as a repulsive force. A repulsive force means that in all the events I just mentioned the earth is actually being pushed away from the sun. We look at the idea in the first example showing that the earth is not being attracted to the sun but is being pushed away - this example illustrates the earth is in free fall in the direction of the sun because the sun's mass is so much greater that the mass of the earth that it physically falls towards the sun but looking at this action as a repulsion force we observe the earth being pushed away from the sun because of its energy potential. The idea that the sun's energy mass is so much greater than the earths that they repel each others energy which creates a astronomical distance away from one another. Secondly, we observe the earth in free fall not being attracted but pushed away from it. We can observe this affect with all the other nine planets in the same way. That because all positive energy repels it is due because they all formed from the same singularity as well as they are all positive energy deities. The sun creates a deep curvature in space that also according to relativity physics all celestial spheres fall towards it. Even though this is true based on the curvature of the sun laying deep in the fabric of space that all these nearby celestial s all fall towards it but when we want to observe a force of gravitation we have to look for the reason why. Basically we the sun which is much larger than all the nine planets that orbit around it causing them to fall in a direction towards it we also discover that there is a subtle distance all the planets also orbit around the sun at.

Looking at gravity as a repulsive force we discover that the content of all the planets and their independent energy mass and because they all retain a positive energy content that they are not actually attracted to the sun but are kept each at a distance away from the sun because of the amount of energy mass each of the planets retain as a whole that they are being kept at a distance away from the sun. WE can also see that as the distance gets further and further away in distance that this repulsion energy that keeps the planets at a distance will also fade away and became fragile. We look at the solar system and observation of its planets all orbiting the sun. A sun that's mass is thousands of times the size and mass of the other nine planets. We see using Newton's law of gravity that we can physically predict the distance the planets orbit at a distance from the sun by calculating the planets mass. We look at the repulsive force theory with earths surface deities and calculate the same distance. That the surface objects in free fall are being pushed away due to the earth's energy content that is much greater than the falling surface objects. Doing so we calculate the distance at 9.8 meters a second for all the objects.

We observe free fall as a means to calculate a velocity and distance of an object in relationship with other positively charged entities. Relativity has shown how space itself tells matter what to do whereas matter tells space to curve. This si also a repulsive presentation called as an example Probe 'B" in modern physics literature.

We look at the idea that gravity force is an attractive force due to the direction of an objects free fall towards where alot of people seem to think that attraction is more like a magnetic force and become confused. Using attraction as a force example for gravity in both a planets force of gravity and gravity in space as a attraction does not allow a reason for Newton's measurements for object free fall nor explain the reason why. Looking at gravity as an repulsive force between the balance of a masses energy content allows a means to calculate the reason for the balance between the two masses. We can look at thsi new idea by using are earth moon for the example. We have the earths moon orbiting earth at an angle - observing the direction of free fall of the moon orbiting the earth as attraction in the free fall we observe and ask the question of why the moon does not fall on the earth its attracted towards. But if we look at this same activity with understand that the reason the moon orbits earth is based on its potential energy. Whereas same energies repel they are kept at a distance because of it. We also discover that over time that are new theory also predicts a possible free fall collision from its moon in the later future. though it seems not safe to reason the threat of an end it is more likely that we as earth beings alien to the future cosmos it might be better to wisely research and calculate such ending events that may occur in the celestial future.

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