The Equilibrium Warp Drive
2014.12.29 cc
Dr. Rodney Kawecki
Space is flat meaning that an objects present in it sits midfield its weight downward forms a planetary and or galactic terrain surface. Based on the projectiling of huge celestial sphere’s the spacious flatland's are created stretching the distance of what we call The Universe.
Whereas the planets forming solar systems and star systems stretch the distance they lay embedded inside the greater celestial called The Galaxy. Galactic systems form because each galaxy is formed independently as a matter singularity known in Quanta Physics to form from smaller galactic explosions. These explosions were formed as independent singularities throughout the cosmos from what some physicists believe from a gigantic explosion in the beginning that flourished opening space. They believed the explosion layered into various intervals or sets of wavelengths expenditures that separated intervals of released density in forming specific wavelengths as a field mass. But before the net field formed matter assumed first in the bang. Inflation of the field was secondary as a space that form into a bubble a bubble of pressure that reluctantly planetary matter would spiraling into celestial sphere’s independent of theory own net densities shaping into oval circular shape sphere’s in a chain reaction of explosions that would occur over time in the young universe’s beginning. These massive young embryus sphere’s laid dormant for billions of years until their dense concentrated energy cause them o ignite into explosions forming the galactic enterprise throughout space.
Above the cosmic fabric layers a distinct zero point vacuum space enchanted with cold vapor whereas it is the suns that formed that we are able to view them at all. A distinctive review of Hubble Theory these galactic sphere’s govern the fat terrain pressure in the big bang aftermath pushed them into and they continue to expand and stretch the fabric projectiles. I will talk about how space causes planets and galaxies to turn a little further on in this chapter. The problem with this theory leads us to the question of what causes the universe continue to expand and what feeds the bubble? Some physicists say it’s a gigantic black hole that continues to be pushing pressure into our bubble where Quanta Physics Theory asserts the black hole acting as a portal retrieving possibly matter and pressure from some other location or it could well be that what fills the bubble is a continual act of the big bang still utilizing its mass. We observe the galactic bodies in a three dimensional imagery where its center of mass twist space into a three dimensional vortex centralized in the deep bubble spacious center asserting a twisting on the space projectiling at the fabric bubble surface so as to anything on the fabric surface engages in actually rotation-ally turning also. We can also view the fact that any small speck of dust a earth spacecraft might be compared to any minimal size planet any such spin would go unnoticed much less any hindsight crystal-clear viewing of any nearby planet would be.
Impulse and momentum are two key bio-mechanical factors that can be used in impulse rate of the product force multiplied by the time that a force can act Momentum is the product of mass and velocity in order to increase an object’s momentum we need not to increase the ship's speed in a weightless terrain.
We can also imagine that our ship traveling at close to light velocity could also accelerate into a acceleration mode force of accelerating motion or speed meaning that the ship’s propulsion value could design a method or force acceleration that would by itself increase the ship’s speed after passing into slip-mode in the elliptical drive. The force that engages by the ship’s engine torque over plays acceleration and makes acceleration based solely on the torque value and torque speed. As the engines de-accelerate at the engine turbine glide at the rear of the ship the engines applied torque drive is used to act as a constant acceleration drive even when the ship’s engine turbine glide drive is dis-engaged. Based solely on the ship’s drive force applied just before the propulsion dis-engage its applied force acts by itself as a continuum acceleration force on its own, a force in a force or applied acceleration wave agar allows the ship to stay accelerated on its own even after its propulsion engines disengaged. As the ship travels idle down-wave in the vacuum like an ice sledge uses body curvature maneuver techniques to gain speed against the ice. In all our ship is traveling through a minus zero gravity space which allows for a fabric acceleration impression traveling on the fabric repulsion tension projectile.
In order to increase the momentum of our ship's speed and velocity the impulse force in its propulsion waves needs to be increased. Newton's second law states that ' the acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Force = mass X acceleration (Fq²=m°(k°)v²) Since the easiest way to increase the momentum of an object already in motion is to increase the acceleration of the ship's engine torque has to measure a greater value than what is already set in motion. This also means increasing the speed of the torque in the impulse engines. This allows faster momentum of the ship acting solely on its own in a below zero point energy vacuum. The greater the acceleration of its propulsion torque during this stage the greater the force in which that is applied the greater tension of the velocity. This in turn increases the momentum of the ship's annual speed and increase’s velocity.
In space having a heavier ship weight geared towards the direction of free fall in a weightless energy vacuum space environment during the elliptical travel stage will decrease the impulse velocity (F²=v²/m° idle) a ship with a greater mass generally means more power will be needed for the ship to increase its speed between departing constant speed interval's during the journey but in space the increased weight of the ship is geared at its front is deferred towards its rear where the weight of its engine torque drive pushing force is. (a ship will never gain inertia-mass traveling at any velocity in space because of the absence of mass inertia or energy space vacuum environment). We can refer space to be a vacuum mass with no real quality’s except that it bends in the presence of a positive mass like a planet. When we review the facts that govern expansion theory we discover that mass between celestials is only measurable towards the density effects in the planetary mass themselves either or both planet masses. Midfield space considered to be a repulsive negative mass repels positive energy masses even our ship’s mass is the reason it sits ready in the vacuum. These effects are only observable when the mass is present in the space fabric outside midfield the effects of the fabric effect empty of mass so empty of the gravity effect.
We should also remember about the time Albert Einstein’s development of relativity that the automobile was also being developed that constant acceleration was a project summary about gasoline propulsion engine velocity due to friction. In Einstein’s theory of special relativity friction serves as the means for gravity in his theory we can also assume that constant acceleration became a masterpiece in his work because of its common comparison with gravity. We see the space environment having the same common guidelines in his work with infinite mass as we did in the gravity of space. Rest mass adds up only if the parts are standing still and do not attract or repel as could be seen in a vacuum, so that they do not have any kinetic or potential energy as they would if they were in space. We look out at the heavens and see the stars but we don’t see them rotate or spin but they do if we could are views would be different than they were then. When the earth travels around the sun it acts in native free fall motion changing its degree of inertia as it passes opposite sides. It’s the gravitational pull of the sun that makes them revolve around the sun. When the planets come closer to the sun the gravitational pull is greater. But once they cross the sun, the planet's inertia keeps them going in their path but after a certain distance the sun's gravitational pull is greater than that of the planet's inertia and hence it started falling back towards the sun. After it crosses the sun it goes the extreme on the other side and then starts falling back to the sun. This causes them to revolve in a elliptical path rather than a circular one. We look at the solar system as discover that the energy density amongst the celestial's is assumed fixed. The planet comes close to the sun’s attraction or gravitational pull and uses its inertia energy to keep from continually get pulled in towards the sun on opposite sides on one side of the crossing the planets energy keeps it a distance and once across its energy keeps it from falling back.
In space travel the existence of inertia is not enough for a planet to pull in a spacecraft midfield between the planets and looking at the core gravity chart the conflict between celestial's is jointed not across the regions of empty space but at the foreground of the celestial spheres and effect of their celestial mass is the reason space is a vacuum. Accordingly, inertia is an effect between extreme masses where a ship would gain no initial mass kinetic or otherwise where it is not compromised. (also see Casmir Gravity)
Confirmations whether the universe is spinning according to normal laws about space and physics apply any object at rest in space would neither know or be able to observe it and would also not also to detect rotating with it if it were. The reason is relevant with space travel is that fact that if the universe is rotating and at the same velocity as gravity is known to be at the galactic range where Hubble observations show galaxies spinning a distance at light velocity a ship reaching such a velocity as light would become physically affected. Newton's second law co gender a negative value of the terrain that asserts an equal positive force against the ships positive body adding or actually doubling the acceleration momentum of our ship but a repulsive effect results then the object will behave in a way we can only describe as backwards or perverse. It will be accelerated in a direction opposite the direction of the applied force but it would also account for the added acceleration propulsion drive boost traveling at weightless velocities in space a ship experiences traveling in space. If we push it north, it will accelerate south but in space there is no north or no south to accommodate this effect on the spacecraft the only movement might be due to the universe’s dragging space but since space is a physical link between the planets and stars as a whole it moves as a single realm and not impressed by any other source. If we look at the universe in motion and rotating at the velocity the same as distance galaxies we observe a ship having reached this speed would curve directly according towards its destination and would prove a positive point. According to Newton’s second law statement it also joins that a equal force of the ship’s velocity would co gender an equal positive force against the ships positive body adding momentum - a repulsive effect whereas this positive inertia on the ship’s body would measure increasing the ships speed even at a velocity close to light speed. (E=m°vq²/-g² = 372,000 m/s) Somewhat what relativity asserts mass images might look like at traveling at such speed with what you see at the front of you seen at the back of you and what is at the back of you in front of you is how relativity describes traveling close to approaching light speed would be seen by someone maneuvering a spacecraft at 186,000 miles per second per second (for the new physics entrepreneur) per earth’s local time.
We can at the result of equilibrium Warp Drive in two stages. The first of course is the propulsion force of our ship’s engines. The ship operates on duel-acceleration propulsion for the sake of Newton’s duel-acceleration theory. The idea that the more power are ship’s engine possess the faster it will travel. With that we observe that are vessel has the capacity to accelerate at a speed close to the speed of light 186,000 miles per second each second on the clock. With this in mind we discover that are ship as we already have observed that are ship will hover space with no needed power to do so which space theoralized as sitting in a pocket of space due to the space fabric effect will hover according with Einstein special theory matter warps space. Once the ship’s engines accelerate our vessel will take on travel velocity. As our ship accelerates space in front of the ship will be pushed downwards and under the ship’s body the reason for this as the ship accelerates it begins to force pressure on the vacuum. Initially our begins to travel in indirect free fall whereas the vacuum of space pushes the ship body upward at the same time. This effect allows our vessel to travel in a straight line through the vacuum of space. As the ship continues to accelerate the vacuum mass being pushed under the ship’s body begins to form as wave behind the craft gathering behind the thrust of the ship’s engine turbine force.
As our ship continues to accelerate taking up more and more speed the vacuum mass gathered behind our ship begins to act as a repulsive pushing force adding to the propulsion force along adding an equal force of acceleration for the ship’s speed. (Initially since there is no friction or gravity in the vacuum there is nothing adding inertia to slow our vessel) The ship than travels at the ships velocity measurable on the vessels speedometer but added acceleration from the equilibrium affect and the added propulsion makes the ship travel faster than it reads on the ships indicator the ship is actually moving faster and it is faster easier so our spacecraft travels approaching 372,000 miles a second and its quicker through space than the actual 186,000 miles a second thought by the ship’s instruments.
We should look at our new theory on space travcel with the idea that at the first stage of our journey it is our ship’s engine capacity that governs when we will arrive at our destinsation and how fast we get there. In the second stage we observe the fabric of the vacuum of space forming an equal amount of propulsion pressure at the ship’s rear of the body an added force added to the ship’s actual travel speed capacity. In turn this added force from the vacuum wave made from the affect of the space fabric the same all the planets and stars hover upon because the repulsive resistance’ the fabric of space applies against the presents of planetary matter and which relativity asserts is what pushes the celestial’s into rotation getting back to our ship the equilibrium wave formed by the acceleration of our ship creating the wave acts secondary and behind the ship’s physical propulsion force behind it taking a secondary position which acts booster continuum to force accelerate the ship travel capacity.
Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) is thrown near the earth's surface, and it moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. The only force of significance that acts on the object is gravity, which acts downward to cause a downward acceleration. There are no horizontal forces needed to maintain the horizontal motion – consistent with the concept of inertia.
Since in such a theory of space it is a resistant nature of dark matter and the manner from which is manipulated by a vessel in acceleration we can therefore reform to believe that net external forces do not act directly on the ship as described so that the presents of the gravity in space is initially not forth coming as are those virtues of the effects of friction and air resistance elements unless of course the universe physically spinning causing a physical momentum. Together it shows that resistance’ between dark matter and planetary galactic matter where celestial matter is present even independently dark matter turns matter away from it.
Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion, including changes to its speed and direction. It is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at constant velocity. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics that are used to describe the motion of objects and how they are affected by applied forces. Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, sluggish. Inertia is one of the primary manifestations of mass, which is a quantitative property of physical systems Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematicas which states:
The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavours to preserve its present state, whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line.
In common usage, the term "inertia" may refer to an object's "amount of resistance to change in velocity" (which is quantified by its mass), or sometimes to its momentum, depending on the context. The term "inertia" is more properly understood as shorthand for "the principle of inertia" as described by Newton in his First Law of Motion: that an object not subject to any net external force moves at a constant velocity. Thus, an object will continue moving at its current velocity until some force causes its speed or direction to change.
On the surface of the Earth, inertia is often masked by the effects of friction and air rewsistance, both of which tend to decrease the speed of moving objects (commonly to the point of rest), and gravity.
As part in the knowledge of advance physics what is called “ Alcubierre Warp Drive “ is another theory in space travel for traveling faster than the speed of light somewhat directed the same manner as the theory I have just described above. The difference relies on the added propulsion capacity added to a vessels velocity traveling at light speed which increases the ships velocity not quite in the same manner as Alcubierre Warp Drive Theory and puts president in advancing the ships propulsion speed in a stage relevant with advancing the ships speed and follow within the guide lines published by Albert Einstein and his theories of relativity. Our new look at our ship’s model also shows relevant evidence with taking the time dilation speed limit off interstellar space travel where time travel intervenes. The fact that our ship travels weightlessly free falling continuously through the vacuum as the refine pushing of the ship makes its mass redirect spacious fabric mass from underneath it making it rise behind it asserting a wave at the ship’s rear-end there exist no raise in any type of increase in density levels from nether the ship or the space fabric so no affect exist in the slowing of time in either our ship’s clock or clock anywhere else in space or on some far away planet to compare with changes even at speeds faster than light travels at.
Defined scientifically under : " The Quanta Physics Study ". iRodney Kawecki
The Supertellic Electro-Magnetic Gravitational Universe Technology Theory Book
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next.............The Future of Time